Why You Should Consider Hair Transplant Surgery?

A lot of hair loss patients visit the Marmm Klinik every month for hair transplant in Indore. Most of the patients generally ask about the efficacy of hair transplant surgery. For most of the hair loss experts, hair transplant is the best but the patients want proofs and they want to be sure about the positive effects of the treatment.

Above all, the patients want to know about the base of the hair transplant surgery that makes this treatment best among all the other approaches.
Let us look at the topics related to hair transplant and you would understand everything after reading this information.

Genetic Hair Loss and Temporary Hair Loss

Hair loss has two main types that are called permanent hair loss and temporary hair loss. Permanent hair loss is genetic and it kills the hair follicles. You have to note that the general hair growth cycle does not kill the hair follicles and the same hair follicles grow new hair again and again. But in the case of permanent hair loss, hair follicles are damaged and as you can imagine, there is no chance of growing the hairs again. Genetic hair loss is also called androgenic alopecia or male pattern baldness. This is a hereditary disease and mostly the problem is incurable.

Cure of Temporary Hair Loss

Temporary hair loss can be treated with the help of medicines because it does not affect the scalp severely. Hair is loss is however severe but bald spots are rare in mild hair loss. The hair loss experts advise to bring some lifestyle changes along with prescribing some medicines to cure temporary hair loss.

Cure of Permanent Hair Loss

Permanent baldness damages the hair follicles that grow new hairs. It means there is no chance of hair growth after the death of hair follicles.
However, experts suggest hair transplant surgery for male pattern baldness. In this procedure, the surgeon borrow the hairs from the sides and back of the head and transplant them to the bald area. Experts say these hairs are supposed to grow forever.

Why only Hair Transplant

As you have read above, bringing the hair follicles back to the scalp is impossible and as an alternative, the surgeons borrow the hair follicles from the back and sides that are called bald resistant zone. The experts also call this area donor site because they remove the hairs from this area.


You must consider the hair transplant in Indore if you are planning to have a permanent solution for the male pattern baldness. Hair transplant is a safe and effective procedure if it is performed by a qualified and trained surgeon. You can find skilled and experienced hair transplant surgeons in the Marmm Klinik that is a trusted place for hair loss treatment.


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