Best Hair Transplant Method and Why?

There is no doubt that hair transplant is an effective and permanent procedure for hair loss. A lot of patients come to the Marmm Klinik to have hair transplant in Indore and often, ask about the best techniques to gain superior results. The surgeons have to make it clear that the success of hair transplant does not depend on the technique only but there are many factors that make a hair transplant surgery successful.

The success of hair transplant surgery depends on the quality of donor site, availability of the donor hair, efficiency of the surgeon, quality of aftercare etc.
However, selections of the hair transplant techniques is also a considerable question and every surgeon have to satisfy the patients by choosing the best option.
Before we talk about the best options, let us talk about the available options.
Most of the patients coming to the clinic are familiar with the common procedure of the surgery. In this treatment, the surgeon removes the hairs from the donor site and transplants to the bald site. In fact, the story of hair transplant surgery is more complex than it seems. The surgeon has to perform every step of the surgery with similar efficiency to have good outcomes after the surgery.
Nowadays, two main hair transplant techniques are used that are scientifically proven and most of the authentic surgeons use these techniques. The names of these procedures are follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. Before we elaborate the matter, it is necessary to have a brief description of each of the techniques.
Have a look!

Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT):

In this technique, a strip of the skin is removed from the donor site. After the removal of the strip, the grafts are harvested from the strip. Finally, these harvested hair grafts are transplanted on the recipient area of the scalp.

Benefits of FUT or Strip Surgery

Follicular unit transplant or strip surgery is a traditional technique and it is considered as an effective technique to cover a larger bald area. This technique is used for higher stages of the Norwood scale. This is a long-lasting procedure providing high density to the patients. In this procedure, scarring on the donor site is quite possible and generally, the scars are visible and the patients may feel hesitant to have a short haircut.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

In this technique, hair follicles are removed from the donor area directly. Random punching always decreases the chances of getting more donor hair because every punching requires some space for further removal of the hair graft.

Benefits of FUE:

This procedure is suitable for smaller bald areas and it does not involve the use of stitches and incisions. Moreover, this procedure is performed with the help of tiny instruments so that, scaring is hardly visible and the patients may have a short haircut.

Which Hair Transplant Technique is the Best?

In fact, it is hard to say because only the surgeon decides suitable hair transplant technique after a full checkup of the scalp and donor area. Both of the techniques have some benefits or disadvantages and both are very effective to prevent genetic hair loss. Final decision to perform FUT or FUE should be made by the surgeon and mostly the surgeons make wise decisions.
If you are curious to know about hair transplant in Indore and hair transplant techniques, visit the Marmm Klinik to have satisfactory results.


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